Friday, January 02, 2009

Beginning of new start '09.

Happy yeah , I shed away 3 kg :)

Do you know how long i never eat any rice??

2-3 weeks:(

Wishlist 2009

1. Bb went for his eyes operation.
2.Pass his driving license.
3.Have our own car ( I wished so many years)
4.Have my business proposal done.
5.March can successfully set up the stall.
6. Good health
7. Back to 45 kg. ( hope i dun rebounce back )
8. Big big CUP.. hahaa
9. Sisters , friends will remembered me !!
10. Boyfriend will have more time with me! ( he always busy)
11. VAIO pink laptop.
12. LV speedy.
13. More more money.
14. More make up stuff
15. Live happier :)

Everyone happy HAPPY .

Let's countdown for Chinese New Year. yeah!!

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