Sunday, January 04, 2009

Quick post :)

Yeah , i feeling better now.
Feeling real down for past 2 days ; stress ~

Hate it man .

Now i have 3 acne on my face . Listen up guys is not pimples.

Is those painful acne:(
Ya , i always like to make a big fuss over this kinda things.
I hate it when acne grow around my nose area.

Did i mention before that because of acne on my nose i went for injection to remove it off??

Cny coming , i want to look good when i went over to relatives house.

God bless me :) Pls !!

Recently Aussino is having promotion .
Few days back Baby & me coincidentally pass by the shop
and i run here & there to search for nice bed sheet cover to suit my room.
Most of them i like it so much especially 'hot pink' but does not have the size for my bed.
Baby easier for him , he simply just choose his 'blue' colour and that's it.

I think most people will laugh at me when they knew the bed sheet i choose for my room?

Look below~~

So cute right.. I know you will be laughing..hahaah

I brought 3 bed sheet :)

His & mine

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